Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Using Conversion Psychology To Get Results With Joanna Wiebe

Using Conversion Psychology To Get Results With Joanna Wiebe Copywriting can happen anywhere from blogs to cereal boxes. It includes the whole world of marketing words. Conversion copywriting helps businesses build their business. Conversion copywriting is about getting people to say â€Å"Yes† and generating more leads and buyers. It measures results to see if something converted or not. Today, we’re talking to Joanna Wiebe, a conversion copywriter, creator of Copy Hackers, and co-founder of Airstory. She is an absolute authority on copywriting and conversions. Some of the highlights of the show include: What makes people say, â€Å"Yes?† Whether it is clicking or trying something. There are different formulas you can use for this goal. Ask customers, â€Å"What was going on in your life that brought you to†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Then, you can identify their motivation. If you put a button on a Web page, people will click it because it is there. Lots of things will move people to click, but rarely lead to conversions. Stages of Awareness: Unaware, Pain Aware, Solution Aware, Product Aware, and Most Aware. Persuasion techniques are typically triggers used at the late stages in hope that you will make people buy. â€Å"Don’t put pressure on poor, little button.† It’s going to get clicked, but don’t put too many fancy marketing tricks within it. Where does it go? What will it say? Push best people to the most highly optimized button. There’s buttons for Calls to Value or Calls to Action. A Call to Action button is to tell the user exactly what you want them to do. For example, Download Ebook or Complete Purchase. A Calls to Value button regards why a customer is performing an action and completes the phrase, â€Å"I want to†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Change your button approach depending on the type of medium you are using. It depends on the context for an action or engagement. Map out actions based on context and location email, Website, blog, etc. Map Calls to Action to move customers to the next stage of awareness. Powered by PodcastMotor Actionable Content Marketing powered by By AMP080: How To Use Conversion Psychology To Get Better Results With Joanna Wiebe From Copyhackers 00:00/00:00 1x 100 > Download file Subscribe on iTunes Leave Review Share Links: 10X Marketing Formula by Garrett Moon Copyhackers Airstory Google Analytics Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz Intuit Aaron Orendorff MarketingExperiments Robert Cialdini’s Persuasion Techniques AMP on iTunes leave a review and send screenshot to podcast@.com If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Joanna Wiebe: â€Å"It wasn’t the digital atmosphere we have today in marketing where everything, everything gets measured.† â€Å"The real thing is we want to convert. We want more leads and we want more buyers. That’s what conversion copywriting is about.† â€Å"We can’t do a lot of motivating with copy, but you can take someone’s motivation and turn it into something.† â€Å"People want to click things. Mostly because they just want to move through life and get their problems solved.†

Friday, November 22, 2019

Biography of Elvis Presley, the King of Rock n Roll

Biography of Elvis Presley, the King of Rock 'n' Roll Elvis Presley (Jan. 8, 1935–Aug 16, 1977) was a singer, actor, and cultural icon of the 20th century. Presley sold more than 1 billion records and made 33 movies, but his cultural impact far exceeds even those numbers. Fast Facts: Elvis Presley Known For: A rock n roll iconAlso Known As: The King of Rock n RollBorn: Jan. 8, 1935 in Tupelo, MississippiParents: Gladys and Vernon PresleyDied: Aug 16, 1977 in Memphis, TennesseeSongs: Love Me Tender, Hound Dog, Heartbreak Hotel, Jailhouse Rock, Can’t Help Falling in LoveMovies: Kid Galahad, Blue Hawaii, Jailhouse Rock, King CreoleSpouse: Priscilla Beaulieu PresleyChildren: Lisa Marie PresleyNotable Quote: Rock n roll music, if you like it, if you feel it, you cant help but move to it. Thats what happens to me. I cant help it. Early Life Elvis Presley was born to Gladys and Vernon Presley in the couples two-room house in Tupelo, Mississippi, following a difficult delivery. Presleys twin brother, Jessie Garon, was stillborn, and Gladys was so ill from the birth that she was taken to the hospital. She wasnt able to have more children. Gladys Presley doted on her sandy-haired, blue-eyed son and worked hard to keep her family together. She struggled when her husband was sentenced to three years in the Mississippi state penitentiary, also known as Parchman Farm, for forgery after changing the amount on a check. With him in prison, Gladys couldnt earn enough to keep the house, so she and her 3-year-old moved in with relatives, the first of many moves for the family. Learning Music Since they moved often, only two things were consistent in Presleys childhood: his parents and music. With his parents usually at work, Presley found music wherever he could. He listened to music in church and taught himself to play the church piano. When Presley was 8, he often hung out at the local radio station. For his 11th birthday, his parents gave him a guitar. By high school, his family had moved to Memphis, Tennessee. Although Presley joined R.O.T.C., played football, and worked as an usher at a movie theater, his activities didnt stop other students from picking on him. Presley was different. He dyed his hair black and wore it in a style that made him look more like a comic book character than other kids in his school. So he surrounded himself with music, listening to the radio and buying records. After the family moved to Lauderdale Courts, an apartment complex, he often played with other aspiring musicians who lived there. Although segregation was still a fact in the south, Presley crossed the color line and listened to African-American artists such as B.B. King. He often visited Beale Street in the African-American section of town to watch black musicians play. Big Break By the time Presley graduated from high school, he could sing in various styles, from hillbilly to gospel. He also had a style of singing and moving that was all his own. He had combined what he saw and heard into a unique new sound. The first to realize this was Sam Phillips at Sun Records. After spending the year after high school working a day job and playing at small clubs at night, Presley received a call from Sun Records on June 6, 1954. Phillips wanted Presley to sing a new song. When that didnt work out, he set Presley up with guitarist Scotty Moore and bassist Bill Black. After a month of practicing, they recorded Thats All Right (Mama). Phillips convinced a friend to play it on the radio, and it was an instant hit. Moore, Black, and drummer D.J. Fontana continued to back Presley on dozens of legendary rock n roll songs over the next decade. Presley quickly built an audience. On Aug. 15, 1954, he signed with Sun Records for four albums. He then began making appearances on popular radio shows such as Grand Ole Opry and Louisiana Hayride. Presley was so successful on Hayride that he was hired to perform every Saturday for a year. He quit his job and toured the south during the week, playing anywhere there was a paying audience, then returned to Shreveport, Louisiana, every Saturday for Hayride. High school and college students went wild for Presley, screaming and cheering and mobbing him backstage. He put his soul into every performance and moved his body- a lot. Presley gyrated his hips, jiggled his legs, and fell to his knees on the floor. Adults thought he was lewd and suggestive; teenagers loved him. As Presleys popularity soared, he hired Colonel Tom Parker as his manager. In some ways, Parker took advantage of Presley, including taking a generous cut of his proceeds, but he steered Presley to mega-stardom. Stardom Presleys popularity soon became more than Sun Records could handle, so Phillips sold Presleys contract to RCA Victor for $35,000, more than any record company had ever paid for a singer. To further boost Presleys popularity, Parker put him on television. On Jan. 28, 1956, Presley made his first television appearance on Stage Show, followed by appearances on The Milton Berle Show, The Steve Allen Show, and The Ed Sullivan Show. In March 1956, Parker arranged an audition with Presley at Paramount studios. Studio executives liked Presley so much that they signed him to do his first movie, Love Me Tender (1956), with an option for six more. Two weeks after his audition, Presley received his first gold record for Heartbreak Hotel, which had sold 1 million copies. Presleys popularity was skyrocketing and money was flowing. He bought his mother the house he had promised her and in March 1957, he purchased Graceland- a mansion with 13 acres of land- for $102,500. He then had the entire mansion remodeled to his tastes. Army Just as it seemed like everything Presley touched turned to gold, on Dec. 20, 1957, he received a draft notice. Presley could have been excused from military service, but he chose to enter the Army as a regular soldier. He was stationed in Germany. With a nearly two-year hiatus from his career, many people, including Presley, wondered if the world would forget him. But Parker worked hard to keep Presleys name and image before the public, succeeding so well that some said Presley was as popular after his military experience as before it. While Presley was in the Army, two major personal events occurred. The first was the death of his mother, which devastated him. The second was meeting and dating 14-year-old Priscilla Beaulieu, whose father was also stationed in Germany. They married eight years later, on May 1, 1967, and had one child, a daughter named Lisa Marie Presley, on Feb. 1, 1968. Movies Following Presleys discharge in 1960, he launched into recording songs and making movies. It had become obvious to Parker and others that anything bearing Presleys name would make money, so Presley was pushed to make movies in quantity rather than quality. His most successful movie,  Blue Hawaii (1961), became a template for many that followed. He grew increasingly upset about the poor quality of his movies and songs. From 1960 until 1968, Presley made few public appearances, focusing on making movies. In all, he made 33 movies. Comeback While Presley was busy making movies, other musicians took the stage, some of whom, including the  Beatles, sold lots of records and threatened to make Presley share his title of King of Rock n Roll,- if not steal it. Presley had to do something to keep his crown. In December 1968, he dressed in black leather and made an hour-long television special titled  Elvis. Calm, sexy, and humorous, he wowed the crowd. The comeback special energized Presley. He returned to recording songs and doing live performances. In July 1969, Parker booked Presley at the largest venue in Las Vegas, the new International Hotel. His shows were huge successes and the hotel booked Presley for four weeks a year through 1974. The rest of the year he toured. Health Since he became popular, Presley had worked at breakneck speed, recording songs, making movies, and giving concerts with little to no rest. To maintain that pace, he started taking prescription drugs. By the early 1970s, continued drug use had begun to cause problems. Presley started having severe mood swings with aggressive and erratic behavior, and he gained a lot of weight. Presley and Priscilla had grown apart, and in January 1973, they divorced. His drug addiction became worse; he was hospitalized several times for overdoses and other health problems. His performances began to suffer; on many occasions, he mumbled through songs. Death On Aug. 16, 1977, Presleys girlfriend Ginger Alden found  him  on the bathroom floor at Graceland. He wasnt breathing. He was taken to the hospital, but doctors were unable to resuscitate him and he was pronounced dead at 42. His death initially was attributed to cardiac arrhythmia, but the cause later was changed to a lethal mix of prescription drugs.   Legacy Elvis Presley was one of the few artists to become known worldwide by just his first name and whose talent and accomplishments made him pop culture royalty. His fame has endured. Twenty-five years after his death, RCA released an album of his No.1 records, titled  ELV1S: 30 #1 Hits. The album debuted at No. 1 on the charts, selling half a million copies in its first week. Having an album debut atop the U.S. charts was something Presley hadnt accomplished while he was alive. It opened at No. 1 in 16 other countries, including Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Argentina, and the United Arab Emirates. Sources Forever Elvis. Legacy.com.The Legacy of Elvis Presley. HowStuffWorks.Kreps, Daniel. â€Å"Scotty Moore, Elvis Presley Guitarist, Dead at 84.† Rolling Stone, 25 June 2018.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reduction of Aggression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reduction of Aggression - Essay Example Socio-cultural perspective believes that bullying is due to the presence of specific social groups with different levels of power. Instrumental theorists take aggression as serving a useful function for the individual aggressive behavior to gain some kind of pay-off which makes it worth the risk. Aggression occurs not for the pleasure of lashing out but for the purpose of achieving some benefit (Campbell, 1997). Sep. 11th attacks were examples of instrumental aggression. They wanted to send a message to US. Study shows that children showing reactive aggression were characterized by higher self-control, especially constructiveness, at each age and better adult adjustment (Pulkkinen, 1995). There exist popular and unpopular subtypes of aggressive children who have different peer affiliation patterns (Farmer et al. 2002). Thus there are two social worlds of aggression in school: aggressive children who are marginalized by society and children who are well influenced in the social structure. This view is supported by studies showing that some children who are perceived as popular in social network use physical or social form of aggression to promote and keep their influence and position in the social hierarchy while other aggressive students are picked-on and victimized by seniors (Adler &Adler 1998; Caims & Cairns, 2005). Hence one can conclude that that aggression is part of the general social dynamics in classrooms. Aggression Prevention Methods Many techniques and procedures can be used to prevent or avoid aggression. Some of them are discussed below. The threat of mild punishment might help to reduce aggression. Mild punishment and education when applied in pair has helped to reduce the bullying behavior in students. Anger management is another effective technique. Stress management training approach (Beck and Fernandz, 1996) to anger management, as given below, is an effective three phase process Phase 1 Identification of factors triggering anger Rehearsal of self statement intended to prevent anger (I can handle this). Phase 2 Acquisition of relaxation techniques Coupling self statements with relaxation techniques after exposure to anger trigger. Phase 3 Rehearsal phase Practicing cognitive and relaxation techniques until mental and physical response can be achieved automatically. Making Choices: a Social Development Program This empirically based intervention targets third grade children who are live in a high-risk rural community that is experiencing rapid growth and changing racial and ethnic demographics.( Fraser, n.d.) Works Cited 1. Anne Campbell (1997) Altruism and Aggression Blackwell publishing 2. Barbara Krahe. The social psychology of aggression 3. Ken Rigby (2003) No. 259 Addressing bullying in schools: theory and practice. Australian institute of criminology trends and issues in crime and criminal justice. 4. Kenneth S.Bordens, Irwin A. Horowitz, Social Psychology.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Science - Essay Example It is one of the alkali metals having a chemical symbol â€Å"Na† with atomic number 11. Sodium is soft and silvery white metal in color. Aside from one of the most abundant elements in the planet, sodium in nature belongs to halite group which means it is highly reactive. Aside from its silvery-white color, sodium is also waxy in appearance, can easily be cut by a knife because it is soft, it reacts with oxygen once exposed to air and forms sodium oxide film (Chemistry Explained, par. 1-60). This is the reason why a bright and shiny surface of sodium once cut lacks luster because the sodium oxide film covers the metal. According to Resusch (par. 5), the atom of sodium has only one electron in its valence shell that at times when it losses it, it will result to lower shell valence octet which further results to obtaining a positively charged atom. Sodiums’ atomic mass is 22.98 (Chemistry Explained, par. 1-60). Sodium’s melting point is 97.82 °C, boiling point of 881.4 °C, density of 0.968 grams per cubic centimeter and since it is a metal, it excellently conducts electricity (Chemistry Explained, par. 1-60). At 298 0K, sodium is at its solid state (Winter, par. 1-8). 3. Sodium also reacts with other elements and compounds. Once sodium reacts with acid, it produces hydrogen gas. It can also be dissolved in other metallic elements such as mercury to create an alloy such as amalgam. In the periodic table of elements, it can be observed that the number of protons is what actually tries to determine a certain element among any other. However, the number of neutrons in an atom varies and this variation is considered an isotope (Chemistry Explained, par. 1-60). Therefore if an element is having forms of more than one, then its other forms are considered isotopes. In the case of sodium, it has one naturally occurring isotopes which is sodium-23 and it has six radioactive isotopes, which break apart and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Beginning of Agriculture Essay Example for Free

The Beginning of Agriculture Essay The beginning of Agriculture was found years ago. It involves plants and animals. It was developed 10,000 years ago. At that time, people began altering plant and animal communities for benefit through fire stick farming. Humans survived as foragers or hunter gatherers, gathering wild plants and hunting animals in their environment. Agriculture has significant developments since the time of the earliest cultivation. The Fertile Crescent of Western Asia, Egypt, and India were the earliest sowing and harvesting plants. Independent agriculture happened in northern and southern China, Africas Sahel, New Guinea parts of India and several regions of the Americas. Agricultural deals with irrigation, crop rotation,fertilizers, and pesticides. They were developed a long time ago, but were made with great strides in the past. Corn, grass, tress, wild life was the key to the beginning of agricultre for the early. The wild crops including wheat, barley, and peas are traced to the Near East region. Cereals were grown in Syria as long as 9,000 years ago. Though the transition from wild harvesting was gradual, the switch from a nomadic to a settled way of life is marked by the appearance of early Neolithic villages with homes equipped with grinding stones for processing grain. The origins of rice and millet farming date to the same Neolithic period in China. In Mexico, squash cultivation began around 10,000 years ago, but corn had to wait for natural genetic mutations to be selected for in its wild ancestor, teosinteCorn later reached North America, where cultivated sunflowers also started to bloom some 5,000 years ago. This is also when potato growing in the Andes region of South America began.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Rorschach Essay -- essays research papers fc

many, the word Rorschach is quite unknown and to others it is simply known as the inkblot test and even then, the real meaning of the Rorschach test is never acknowledged. The Rorschach inkblot test is a psychological projective test of personality in which a subject’s interpretation of ten standard abstract designs are analyzed as measure of emotional and intellectual functioning and combination. Also, like other projective techniques, â€Å"it is based on the principle that subjects viewing neutral, ambiguous stimuli will project their own personalities onto them, thereby revealing a variety of unconscious conflicts and motivations.† (Aronow; p 25)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This test, which is administered to both adolescents and adults, can also be used with children as young as three years old. The test provides information about a person’s thought process, perceptions, motivations and attitude toward his or her environment. It can also detect internal and external pressures and conflicts as well as illogical or psychotic thought patterns. There is a lot of confusion on the actual first creator and/or founder of this famous test.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Rorschach was named after a Swiss psychiatrist named Hermann Rorschach. He was born in 1884 in Zurich and died in 1922 due to complications with appendicitis. He was the original developer of the inkblots, but he did not use them for personality analysis like they are used today. Throughout his lifetime, Hermann took a deep interest in psychoanalysis, and during the early 1900’s he published several psychoanalytic articles. It was just in 1911 that he had begun experimenting with the interpretation of ink blots as a mean of determining introversion and extroversion. Although some people would think he was the first to do so, Rorschach was not the first one to study ink blots; among his famous forerunners of the inkblots are Leonardo da Vinci and Jusinus Kerner.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1921 the first edition was actually published by Ernest Bircher. The test appeared under the name of a book called Psychodiagnostik, which had actually been first written by Hermann Rorschach in 1919 but he had problems finding a publisher so it was not well received when it first came out. Since 1927 Hans Huber has been the publisher of the Rorschach test and the related book Psychodiagnostics (English ... ...ut turning the cards at odd angles or covering portions of the cards is considered as signs of brain damage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, even though the test was developed for purposes totally unrelated to accessing character structure and personality problems, psychologists today have found ways to use this test in order to help access personality and probe the unconscious mind. Also, despite all the controversy that is caused by this test regarding the results and if they are meaningless, there are still findings that even though throughout the decades it is used less, to this day it is still a number one choice to assess a personality. WORKS CITED Aronow, Edward. The Rorschach Perceptional Basis Content- Interpretation and Applications. Needham Heights, MA; Allyn and Bacon, p 24-40, 1994 James, W. Psychology; the briefer course. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1985 Piotrowski, Z. A. The movement responses of Rorschach Psychology. (2nd edition) Rickers-Ovsiankina,M.,(Ed) New York; Krieger Publishing, p 189-228 Sullivan, H. The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry. Perry, H and Gawer, M (ed) New York: W.W. Norton and Co. p 79, 1953

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Indian Tobacco Company

ITC is one of India's foremost private sector companies with a market capitalisation of nearly US $ 18 billion and a turnover of over US $ 5. 1 Billion. ITC is rated among the World's Best Big Companies, Asia's ‘Fab 50†² and the World's Most Reputable Companies by Forbes magazine, among India's Most Respected Companies by BusinessWorld and among India's Most Valuable Companies by Business Today. ITC ranks among India's `10 Most Valuable (Company) Brands', in a study conducted by Brand Finance and published by the Economic Times.ITC also ranks among Asia's 50 best performing companies compiled by Business Week. ITC has a diversified presence in Cigarettes, Hotels, Paperboards ; Specialty Papers, Packaging, Agri-Business, Packaged Foods ; Confectionery, Information Technology, Branded Apparel, Personal Care, Stationery, Safety Matches and other FMCG products. While ITC is an outstanding market leader in its traditional businesses of Cigarettes, Hotels, Paperboards, Packaging and Agri-Exports, it is rapidly gaining market share even in its nascent businesses of Packaged Foods ; Confectionery, Branded Apparel, Personal Care and Stationery.As one of India's most valuable and respected corporations, ITC is widely perceived to be dedicatedly nation-oriented. Chairman Y C Deveshwar calls this source of inspiration â€Å"a commitment beyond the market†. In his own words: â€Å"ITC believes that its aspiration to create enduring value for the nation provides the motive force to sustain growing shareholder value. ITC practices this philosophy by not only driving each of its businesses towards international competitiveness but by also consciously contributing to enhancing the competitiveness of the larger value chain of which it is a part. ITC's diversified status originates from its corporate strategy aimed at creating multiple drivers of growth anchored on its time-tested core competencies: unmatched distribution reach, superior brand-building capabili ties, effective supply chain management and acknowledged service skills in hoteliering. Over time, the strategic forays into new businesses are expected to garner a significant share of these emerging high-growth markets in India ITC's Agri-Business is one of India's largest exporters of agricultural products.ITC is one of the country's biggest foreign exchange earners (US $ 3. 2 billion in the last decade). The Company's ‘e-Choupal' initiative is enabling Indian agriculture significantly enhance its competitiveness by empowering Indian farmers through the power of the Internet. This transformational strategy, which has already become the subject matter of a case study at Harvard Business School, is expected to progressively create for ITC a huge rural distribution infrastructure, significantly enhancing the Company's marketing reach.ITC's wholly owned Information Technology subsidiary, ITC Infotech India Limited, is aggressively pursuing emerging opportunities in providing en d-to-end IT solutions, including e-enabled services and business process outsourcing. ITC's production facilities and hotels have won numerous national and international awards for quality, productivity, safety and environment management systems. ITC was the first company in India to voluntarily seek a corporate governance rating.ITC employs over 24,000 people at more than 60 locations across India. The Company continuously endeavors to enhance its wealth generating capabilities in a globalising environment to consistently reward more than 3,77,000 shareholders, fulfill the aspirations of its stakeholders and meet societal expectations. This over-arching vision of the company is expressively captured in its corporate positioning statement: â€Å"Enduring Value. For the nation. For the Shareholder. † | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | | | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[ pic] | | | | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | Competitors ITC competitors are primarily in the Tobacco industry. ITC also competes in the Apparel, Office, School, & Art Supplies, and Crop Production sectors. ITC competitive landscape includes: †¢ Hindustan Unilever †¢ Reliance Industries †¢ Tata Group ITC Company DescriptionITC walks with the other giants of the Indian business world — Tata and Reliance. Primarily, the company makes cigarettes and tobacco, as well as papers and packaging. It also runs hotels, manages lines of branded apparel and prepackaged food, and exports agricultural commodities (including rice, wheat, and lentils). ITC is India's second-largest exporter of agri-products. The group's major brands include India Kings, Insignia, Navy Cut, Scissors, and Gold Flake (cigarettes); Wills Sport and John Players (clothing); Kitchens of India and Aashirvaad (prepackaged food); and Exp ressions (greeting cards). It is also parent to one of India's leading technology companies, ITC InfoTech.ITC pays constant attention to its employees by means of minimum wage raising programs, and providing healthcare through the application of preventive measures, periodical examinations for various diseases, and the necessary treatment at all times. It also provides a distinguished health insurance program for the employees and their families, which covers many diseases that aren't covered by other programs. It offers healthy daily meals for the employees, along with comfortable and safe transportation means from and to the company. In this decade, the company launched a series of educational programs for its employees' children with both public schools and universities education. The company took on the responsibility of paying all the expenses needed in as part of a motivational educational support policy for distinguished students [pic] | |[pic] | | | Sunfeast In 2003, ITC for ayed into the Biscuits market with the Sunfeast range of Glucose, Marie and Cream Biscuits. Sunfeast’s brand essence, â€Å"Spread the Smile† connotes happiness, contentment, satisfaction and pleasure. The mascot Sunny reinforces the emotional aspects of the brand. Sunfeast immediately established itself as a provider of innovative and distinctive products – Sunfeast Marie was launched in an innovative orange flavour and the ‘Sunfeast Dream Cream' range includes new flavours as well as flavour enhancers. The Sunfeast Dream Cream range is currently available in 8 variants.The Company has also introduced ‘Sunfeast Dark Fantasy', a dark chocolate and vanilla cream offering for the premium segment in select markets. Riding on the success of its initial offerings, ITC also entered the milk biscuit category with Sunfeast Milky Magic biscuits in the general milk and milk cream categories. Apart from milk which helps mental growth, these biscuits also contai n the finest quality wheat aiding physical growth. Both cream and milk biscuits have received enthusiastic response from consumers. In the last few years the Sunfeast biscuits portfolio has been enhanced to include salted crackers and cookies. The ‘Sunfeast Snacky' salted crackers are available in 2 unique variants viz. Chilli Flakes and Classic Salted. Sunfeast's cookie offering, ‘Sunfeast Special' biscuits are also available in select markets.The Sunfeast Special range currently includes cookies in three variants – Butter, Cashew and crunchy Coconut, as well as cream biscuits in two variants – Choco and Orange. The recently launched Sunfeast Golden Bakery offers the freshly baked taste of cookies in 3 variants – Choco-nut, Butter-nut and Butter scotch. The brand has also launched Sunfeast Nice, a tasty and delightful offering of crispy, sugar sprinkled biscuits. The Sunfeast product portfolio has been further expanded to include healthy snacking op tions as well. Sunfeast Pasta Treat', a whole wheat based instant pasta was introduced as a healthy snacking option for children. After the tremendous success of the 4 initial flavours the instant Pasta range has been extended with two new exciting flavours – Pizza and Chicken. The pasta segment was further expanded with the launch of ‘Sunfeast Benne Vita' in 4 innovative variants. This range has been enhanced recently with the launch of Sunfeast Benne Vita Flax Seed biscuits that reflect the brand essence of Benne Vita, which in Italian stands for ‘Good Life’. The flax seed content in these protein and mineral enriched biscuits is a rich vegetarian source of Omega III acids.With continued focus on health and nutrition, Sunfeast extended the biscuits portfolio to the nutritional segment with the launch Sunfeast Sachin's Fit Kit – a range of healthy products co-created with Sachin Tendulkar. It is for the first time in India that an icon of the statur e of Sachin Tendulkar has been actively involved in the product development process as co-creator of the Sunfeast Sachin's Fit Kit range. It is the shared vision of Sunfeast as well as Sachin Tendulkar that products under the Sachin's Fit Kit range will enable create â€Å"Champions of Tomorrow†. The launch range comprises two offerings – Sunfeast Sachin's Vitamin and Protein enriched biscuits and Sunfeast Sachin's Multigrain biscuits.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Epsteins Essay

We must all acknowledge and adhere to the feeling of boredom, as we have all felt its distinct dampness in some form or another. Epstein’s essay â€Å"Duh, Bor-ing† is able to capture and enforce its ideologies through direct references and quotations; with a little education and perseverance you are able to decipher and put meaning behind the unique examples he portrays in his writing. Epstein starts his essay with â€Å"Somewhere I have read that boredom is the torment of hell that Dante Forgot† (Epstein 1). In using this quote from Albert Speer we really get the feeling that boredom is unbeneficial and in fact tormenting at times. As many will agree with that statement, Epstein further goes on to say â€Å"When bored, time slows drastically, the world seems logy and without promise, and reality itself can grow shadowy and vague† (Epstein 2). There again giving you the feeling that boredom can cause you to perceive time differently and cause life to become dark and gloomy at times. He does a great job incorporating these quotes into his writing to really back the feeling that we carry towards boredom. We have all felt the negative vibes portrayed from boredom and many of us try to avoid them at all costs. Being able to form my own opinions, judgments and thoughts on the subject allows Epstein’s essay to be easily relatable and interesting to read. Epstein further allows you to connect with the text by particularizing on the different types of boredom perceived. Situational Boredom, in which he relates to a â€Å"dull sermon† (Epstein 1) and existential boredom caused by modern culture. Epstein lets us ponder the thought that maybe our own modern culture is to blame for boredom. He elaborates that boredom is often less pervasive in simpler cultures â€Å"One hears little of boredom among the pygmies or the Trobriand Islanders, whose energies are taken up with the problems of mere existence† (Epstein 2). With everything becoming increasingly more technological and people able to live easier, longer and healthier lives maybe we create our own boredom through modern society. He also refutes existential boredom in saying â€Å"Even animals know boredom, we are told, though they are deprived of the ability to complain directly about it† (Epstein 1). An animal at most represents the closest thing to be at its core un-modernized. Although deprived from the ability to complain about it, animals symbolize pure primal instinct and yet are affected by boredom just alike. Naturally boredom has a negative stigma wrapped around it but as Toohey suggests â€Å"Boredom is good for us†¦ Boredom can function as a warning sign†¦telling those who suffer unduly from it that they need to change their lives† (Epstein 5). Epstein’s allowing that negative stigma to be refuted upon and replaced with that of a greater self-perception. That maybe boredom is a self-defense mechanism or a symptom in reaction to your own life struggles and yet curable. Epstein constant analytical approach to the advantages and disadvantages of boredom helps make this essay work in building credibility to the fact that he’s not one-sided or condensed. He capitalizes on the indifferences boredom promotes and truly tries to look at the subject from all angles and sides drawing power and reason from multiple sources and references. Overall with the use of distinct wordy visuals and references Epstein able to make his writing work in that of capturing his readers and allowing them to form their own interpretation on the matter.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Mgt 521 Essays

Motorola Mobility/Mgt 521 Essays Motorola Mobility/Mgt 521 Essay Motorola Mobility/Mgt 521 Essay Business Analysis Part I – Motorola Mobility MGT/521 University of Phoenix Business Analysis Part I – Motorola Mobility Deciding whether or not to invest in Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. (MMI) requires critical and creative thinking. Research provides a greater understanding of business trending in order for stakeholders to make educated decisions regarding personal and business investments. The following passages present part one of a three-part business plan designed to aid the author, a mutual fund manager, in making a fundamental investment decision. A SWOT analysis of Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. proposes pertinent details, encompassing internal and external stakeholders needs, and further providing a scope of investor needs and how they are met by MMI. SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis is a useful technique for understanding your Strengths and Weaknesses, and for identifying both the Opportunities open to you and the Threats you face (Mind Tools Ltd, 2011, SWOT Analysis, para. 1). The subsequent paragraphs represent a snapshot of Motorola Mobility from an internal and external perspective. Strengths Operational efficiency. Resourceful manufacturing is an integral component of an efficient operation. Motorola (2011) stated, From the warehouse floor to product delivery, mobility solutions provide access to information in real time and help automate operations, ultimately creating a seamless, error-proof work environment (Motorola, 2011, Manufacturing, para. 1). MMI will have no debt at spinoff. According to Brand (2011), the disjointing of Motorolas corporate business divisions, Motorola Mobility and Motorola Solutions, means zero debt for MMI upon development. Therefore, the newly defined entity is more easily leveraged and less inclined to accrue disadvantageous debts. A pioneer of cell phones. – Motorola is a leader in the market for cell phone technologies and has forged a direct path to success. â€Å"Motorola is one of the pioneers of mobile phones, and along with Nokia and Ericsson it has one of the biggest and most profitable phone patent portfolios in the world. (Barak, 2011, Devices, para. 8). Innovative Products. Motorola Mobility has two of the most scientific smartphone products on the market. A Middle East news portal, Al Bawaba (2011), proposes one leading innovative Motorola product is highly regarded in Middle East and Africa: Motorola ATRIX  is the world’s most powerful smartphone with a dual-core processor that is the fastest yet offered in a mobile phone and is designed to essentially become a user’s primary digital hub to create, edit and interact with documents, media and content. (para. 7) Weaknesses Weak profitability. Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. , spun off in January from Motorola Inc. declined in New York trading after the Droid smartphone maker forecast profit for this quarter and full year that trailed analysts’ estimates (Miller, 2011, News, para. 1). While the current financial forecast is stunted, long-term focus on profitability is the key. Poor Customer Service ratings. Customer satisfaction is a dynamic component of any business whether the business is corporate, entrepreneurial, or nonprofit. According to Customer Service Sc oreboard (2011), an online review and rating system, Motorola Customer Service rates a disappointing score of 36. 33 out of a possible 200. Lag in LTE technologies (4G products). Motorola Mobility is slacking in the production of LTE technologies, causing a decrease in the companys market shares. MMI is currently working toward the manufacturing of patented silicon for the 4G products in the lineup. However, according to Woyke (2011), the competitors are taking the lead in the LTE market. Opportunities Google to acquire Motorola. The acquisition of Motorola Mobility, a dedicated Android partner, will enable Google to supercharge the Android ecosystem and will enhance competition in mobile computing (Google, 2011, Investor Relations, para. ). Merging two well-established entities which complement one another will prove to enhance an already-flourishing group of technologies at the core of the mobile industry. Strong demand for Android. A  recent report from Nielsen  showed that Android controlled 39% of the domestic smartphone market, with Apple’s iOS controlling 28% (Meyer, 2011, Devices, para. 4). The statist ics are favorable for MMIs existing innovations and are suspected to increase with the sales of the upcoming lineup. Expanding smartphone lineup. Atrix, Droid X2, Droid Bionic, Droid 2 Global, and Photon 4G are five Android-based smartphones Motorola has in the lineup with the potential to compliment the Googles acquisition of Motorola Mobility (International Business Times, 2011, para. 2-8 ). With the current demand for the Android platform and technologies in the mobile arena, the five forthcoming Motorola smartphones are expected to stir up the competitive market. Threats Competitive Pressure. According to a current Yahoo Finance posting of a Dow and Nasdaq report, Motorola Mobilitys primary competitors are Apple, Cisco Systems, and Nokia (Yahoo! Finance, 2011). As the demand for even more enhanced technologies become greater, Motorola Mobility will also find a need to stay ahead of not only the existing competitors, but competitors in the making. Pending US litigation. Motorola is in a longstanding power struggle against several top companies in the mobile technology and electronics industry. Google acquired three pending US litigations along with the acquisition of MMI. According to United States leading patent law blog Patently-O (2011), Google also acquired awaiting lawsuits with TiVo, Microsoft, and Apple regarding patent infringements. Investment Decision The decision to invest in Motorola Mobility is not an easy assessment to make. However, as a mutual fund manager, the educated decision is based on the information gained from the SWOT analysis conducted. Internally, MMI is strong with above-average manufacturing efficiencies. Additionally, the quality of smartphones made by Motorola significantly compliments Googles existing Android platforms. Externally, with Googles acquisition of MMI, the business decision to invest in Motorola Mobility is a secure long-term decision accompanied with only a few risks. Internal and External Stakeholders and Needs Motorola Mobility is a spinoff company which separated from Motorola and then merged with Google. Internal stakeholders include both Motorola and Google along with the employees, shareholders, manufacturers, customers, suppliers, traveling consumers and home consumers of the innovative mobile technologies. External stakeholders of MMI include device manufacturers, service providers, social media, marketers, advertisers and application developers. Every stakeholder has a need which, ideally, must be met by the coupled organization. MMIs internal stakeholders need increased sales, economical supplies, and efficient processes. However, external stakeholders seek efficient and effective platforms and software in order to make use of the mobile technologies supplied. Need Fulfillment and Implications At the present time, Motorola Mobility is deficient in profitability, but is excelling with product manufacturing efficiencies and processes. Profitability can be expected to increase over time as the merge with Google stabilizes and leverages the overall company portfolio. Furthermore, the sales can be expected to increase with the introduction of Motorola LTE products once the company establishes and patents the unique silicon currently in the works. Finally, the existing Android-based platforms Google has already patented are complimentary to Motorola Mobilitys offered products and also the devices in the lineup to be launched. On the other hand, one of MMIs chief focal points should include a goal of improving the quality of service provided to the consumers. Increased orientation time and interactive training would provide more involved and knowledgeable employees. Conclusion Motorola Mobility Holdings is currently struggling with profits, customer service standards, and competition; however, the judgment to invest in the newly-acquired company is sound regardless of the existing risks. As shown in the provided SWOT analysis, MMI has several favorable factors in the immediate mobile technology market. With MMIs historical cell phone quality, current and future innovations, lack of current debt, recent merge with the prominent Google Company, and ever-growing demand for mobile technology, the decision to invest stands firm. After all, between Motorola nd Google, even the companys minor flaws and external pressures are presently under control and projected to stay that way. References Al Bawaba. (2011, February 6). Motorola to showcase most powerful innovative mobile devices. Retrieved from albawaba. com Barak, S. (2011, August 15). Googles bid for Motorola Mobility a play for patents only? Retrieved from http://siliconvalley. rcrwireless. com Brand, C. (2011, January 11). Motorola Doubles Down on Cell Phones with Mobility Unit Spin-Off, But Should Investors Tread Carefully? Retrieved from peridotcapitalist. om Customer Service Scoreboard. (2011, September 5). Motorola Customer Service. Retrieved from customerservicescoreboard. com Google. (2011, August 15). Google Investor Relations. Retrieved from http://investor. google. com International Business Times. (2011, September 2). Top 5 Android-based Motorola Smartphones That Could Compliment Google-Motorola Deal. Retrieved from ibtimes. com Meyer, D. (2011, August 15). RCR Wireless. Retrieved from http://siliconvalley. rcrwireless. com Miller, H. (2011, July 29). Motorola Mobility Drops as Profit Forecast Trails Estimates. Retrieved from businessweek. com Mind Tools Ltd. (2011). SWOT Analysis. Retrieved from mindtools. com/pages/article/newTMC_05. htm Motorola. (2011). Manufacturing. Retrieved from motorola. com Patently-O. (2011, August 15). Googles Purchase of Motorola Mobility. Retrieved from patentlyo. com Woyke, E. (2011, July 15). Motorola Seeks To Shore Up Weakness In LTE Devices. Retrieved from forbes. com Yahoo! Finance. (2011, September 2). Motorola Mobility Holdings, Inc. (MMI). Retrieved from http://finance. yahoo. com

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 Important Baseball Idioms in English

10 Important Baseball Idioms in English    The game of baseball has inspired probably more idioms in American English than any other sport. Here are ten important baseball idioms. Each idiom is explained in terms of the game of baseball, and how it is used in daily life by native speakers. Examples are given to provide understanding in context. You can lean more idioms by exploring short stories that use idioms in context. ball park A ballpark is where baseball is played. Its used in a few expressions: to be in the ballpark to be in the general area of somethinga ballpark figure a financial guess thats close but not exact I think they new project will be in the ballpark of $2 million, but Ill need to check those figures.Give me a ballpark figure of how much the project will cost. big hitter The big hitter is a batter who hits many hits. These include home runs, grand slams and base hits such as doubles, and singles.   The big hitter is used when referring to a someone in a company who has a reputation for doing well in business. This person is used to impress competition or important clients, as well as give presentations and represent the company. We need to bring out our big hitter for this meeting.They left the presentation up to Alice whos their big hitter when it comes to conferences. big league / major league The big / major league is the highest level in professional baseball. Used as an idiom, the big league refers to the top of any professional bracket.   Shes going to NYC, the big league.He doesnt want to be a fish in a small pond. He wants to play in the major leagues.   cover ones bases Defense players have to cover the bases so that runners cant steal the base and progress to making a run. In everyday English, covering ones bases refers to making sure that a situation is completely in control and that there is a backup plan if anything goes wrong. I think we need to talk to our lawyer just to cover our bases.I need an assistant thats one step ahead of me and will make sure that Ive covered all my bases.   curveball A curveball curves as it moves towards the batter. It can curve up or down, or right to left. Curveballs are hard to hit. As an idiom, curveball is used to express something that is unexpected at causes someone to adapt to a situation. When she quit it really threw the company a curveball, and we had to replace her quickly.This might be a curveball, but I dont want to marry you after all.   first base First base is the first out of four bases including first base, second base, third base and home base. Each batter must move to at least first base in order not to be out. To get to first base means that youve successfully taken the first step.   We got to first base on the presentation. At least, theyre willing to listen to us now.Remember getting an interview is making it to first base. Getting hired is making it all the way home.   hardball Hardball is baseball played with a small, hard ball. Its the game they play in the major leagues. Its the toughest baseball game there is. In life, to play hardball means to try to win at all costs, even if it gets dirty.   When you go to work, youll be playing hardball. No more mistakes allowed.  I dont want to play hardball with you, but if you dont sign the contract I have no choice.   hit / knock it out of the park Hitting a ball out of the park is the dream of every baseball player. You hit the ball so hard, it flies out of the stadium. No one can get that ball. Youve hit a home run, or even a grand slam. In business, it refers to succeeding spectacularly.   I think he hit it out of the park during his presentation. Everyone was listening very carefully and seemed very enthused.Dont worry, Im sure youll hit it out of the park. You have reason to be confident.   hit or miss A batter can either hit or miss a ball. Hitting is good, missing is bad and you get a strike against you. In everyday English, something that is hit or miss means that there is no guarantee of success. Perhaps youll be successful, perhaps not. Some people feel that finding a job is hit or miss in this economy.  Every opportunity is hit or miss, but they need to be taken.   home run Home run refers to a hit that allows the batter to run all the way around the bases and score a run. Its used as an expression to refer to success in English.   This dinner is superb. Youve hit a home run.  His presentation last week was a home run.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Role of Healthcare Information System in Quality Service Provision Essay

Role of Healthcare Information System in Quality Service Provision - Essay Example Quality assurance makes reference to the act of putting in place in all necessary measures to ensure the end product of service successfully achieves its intended purpose. Basically, both the IT and healthcare sectors have set of measures in place to ensure quality standards are observed. Unlike the IT industry though, the presentation and behavior of staff directly represents the quality of service within a healthcare setting. On the contrary, quality assurance in IT is primarily pegged on products usability as well as service provision. Additionally, in healthcare settings, quality is a measure of service while in IT industry it is a measure of product efficiency (Joshi 460). Both however offer products/quality which directly impacts on health and any in appropriate measures could cost human life, or amount to medical malpractice. All players strive to ensure that they not only meet the minimum quality service thresholds or even surpass the same. Both healthcare and IT sectors have an ethical obligation to ensure that quality services/products are availed to patients and clients respectively. However, approach to quality assurance as well as assessable quality dimensions largely differ. While in the health sector quality is defined with regard of care standards and procedures including the technical standard of providers and patients expectation, IT industry defines quality with respect to ability of the product to make healthcare provision much easier and readily available. In essence it focuses on minimizing constraints to healthcare access. It is important to note that these definitions give a shallow but broad illustration of the variations in quality perception between the two sectors. What is however evident is the fact that both sectors view quality assurance as a standard ethical procedure which must be attained at all costs. In general, quality assurance may therefore be said as involving all arrangements and activities which safeguard, maintain and facilitate quality healthcare provisions. It involves measurement of quality, identifying deficiencies, undertaking improvements and evaluating whether such improvements are successful.